With focus on hate crime and assistance to persons from Ukraine
We would like to invite you to the Integration Forum 2022 organized by the Human Rights League, which will focus on helping people from Ukraine but also on hate crimes and will take place on:  

25.5.2022 in the Nova Cvernovka in Svetlík studio (first floor) from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  

The Integration Forum 2022 will be attended by interesting and inspiring guests such as the Director of the Crime Prevention Department of the Office of the Minister of the Interior, Jozef Halcin, the Director of the Department for Hybrid Threats and Stratcom, Victor Breiner, as well as the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights and the IOM International Organization for Migration. The program will also include a presentation of measures needed for the integration of people from Ukraine, prepared by the Centre for Ethnicity and Culture Research, People in Need Slovakia, the Human Rights League, Mareena, and the Milan Šimečka Foundation.    


Please confirm your attendance by filling out this form:  


We look forward to seeing you!  


Documents to download

Integration Forum Programme
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