Legal counselling for asylum seekers

From November 2016 to the end of October 2019, Human Rights League implements the project "Legal Asylum Advice" which aims to provide free and professional legal advice to asylum seekers, as well as foreigners who apply for international protection in the Slovak Republic.


The main objective of this project is to ensure that all asylum seekers who are placed in the asylum facilities of the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic, applicants for asylum outside the asylum facility and the asylum seeker in custody, with regard to their individual needs and with a specific focus on vulnerable people, can get access to quality legal services.

The legal advice is provided by a team of experienced lawyers in offices located in Bratislava and Košice, covering all asylum facilities (Humenné, Opatovská Nová Ves, Rohovce) as well as clients who are allowed to stay outside the facility or are in custody and all stages of the asylum procedure. Legal advice are provided on the basis of the principles of competence, independence, cost-effectiveness and efficiency (costs incurred in dealing with the client's case, time spent on the client's case), confidentiality and confidentiality in accordance with the law and responsibility for the advice provided. The activity is planned to ensure that every asylum seeker has access to legal assistance as well as timely identification, protection and quality assistance to vulnerable persons. Among the vulnerable, we assist families with children, unaccompanied minors, victims of torture, traumatized, disabled or seriously ill, victims of human trafficking and so on.

During academic term, we would have students from the Clinic of Asylum Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Trnava. We have been running a law clinic on this faculty since 2005, during the academic year, students who participate in Human Rights League are assisting in searching for information about the country of origin (COI) or conducting simple legal acts.
Besides, we provide online legal advice on asylum and international protection issues. Queries can be sent to us anonymously, via the Online Advisory Service at our website:

Human Rights League dedicated to providing quality legal advice to asylum seekers in the Slovak Republic and to the early identification and care of vulnerable persons in line with EU asylum law. We ensure that the target group can be informed about their rights and obligations as asylum seekers in Slovakia, also within the EU, the Dublin Regulation and the responsibility of countries to examine the asylum applications. We contribute to the better identification of people in need of international protection and help them to exercise their legal rights in asylum proceedings. We improve the objective awareness of general public about asylum seekers and migration in order to prevent and combat the growing intolerance, which is often caused by inaccurate or infrequent information on asylum seekers.


The project runs from 04.11.2016 to 31.10.2019 and is co-funded by the European Union from the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Internal Affairs Funds.