
Ning Sang

Intern from Hong Kong

Ning Sang is an intern at Human Rights League for the summer of 2020. She is a Nepalese born in Hong Kong. She studied Journalism and Sociology in the University of Hong Kong.

She is in charge of HRL's research on Country of Origin Information and refugee employment issues. She is grateful for working with Katarína, Barbora, and Monika during her internship, which she learnt more about the social issue of refugees in the world, and had a warm and supportive work relationship with the colleagues. 

For her career, she is a full-time coffeeholic. To buy more coffee, she had worked for a local newspaper as a part-timer in Hong Kong and aspired to pursue a career in the journalism field. When she does not have to work, she plays softball and goes to dance lessons. 
If you are interested in her work experience in HRL (and coffee), you can reach Ning Sang at and send her a ‘Namaste’. 
Ning Sang Ning Sang