The sixth edition of the Integration Forum reacts to the current discussion about the foreigners in the cities, their integration and the level of their involvement.
What is the situation in the main Slovak cities? What are the current needs and challenges?

This year's forum will take place on 10th October 2019 in Hotel Tatra and has the subtitle "Cities and Foreigners." We will introduce you to the foreigners who will talk about their personal experience. You will also learn about our achievements in the within the KapaCITY project that supports the integration of foreigners at the local level. We are excited that one of the main speakers of the event will be reknown Kenan Güngör - a sociologist, a German-speaking European with Kurdish-Turkish roots, the founder and owner of the [think.difference] initiative in Vienna. Kenan will talk about how to design a successful integration policy in a country that has little experience with foreigners.
8:30 - 9:00 Registration
9:00 - 9:15 Welcome & opening speech: Robert Žanony, FES Slovakia, and Marshal Pandya, inhabitant of Trnava from India
9:15 - 10:40
1. Panel: Integration of Foreigners, current issues
- Barbora Meššová, KapaCITY Project: Integration of foreigners in the cities. Situation, Needs and Challenges.
- Yaroslav Lysenko, Banská Bystrica: Ukrainians in Slovakia, experience and needs
- Nina Galanská, Milan Šimečka Foundation: Perception of Foreigners in Slovakia – exclusive data from a pulic opinion survey
- Daniel Limones Silva, president of the Catalan Criminology Board: Relation between Immigration and Criminality, experience from Barcelona
10:40 - 11:00 Break
11:00 to 12:00
Kenan Güngör, think.difference, Austria: How to design a successful integration policy in a country that has little experience with foreigners. Lecture and discussion.
12:00 - 12:45 Lunch
12:45 - 14:00
2. Panel: How to finance integration?
- Giacomo Manca, ECRE, Brussels: The Future of Financing Migration and Integration from the EU Funds
- Eva Kovaľová, Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic: Plans of Slovakia in relation to continuing with the AMIF Funds
- Ondřej Valenta, SIMI, Czech Republic: How to Measure the Impact of Financing of the Integration in the Country. Experience from Czech Repulic.
14:30 - 14:45 Break
14:30 – 14:45
3. Panel: Labor migrants in Slovakia and their integration
Strategies and policies for the support, protection and integration of foreign workers, intercultural competences in the workplace, the role of the employer in the integration of foreign workers.
- Zoroslav Smolinsky, head of Modern Trade Union Volkswagen
- He Nguyen, restaurant Bamboo: Experience of an Employer - Foreigner
Location: Lab.Cafe, SNP Square
Moderator: Zuzana Števulová
First part – integration in Slovakia:
- Natalia Jankova, Bratislava (RUS)
- Marshal Pandya, Trnava (IND)
- Yaroslav Lysenko, Banská Bystrica (UKR)
- Baktash Jami, Vienna (AFG)
This event is supported within the project Migration Compass funded from the Operational Programme Effective Public Administration of the European Social Fund and organized in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.