Know Your Rights - Asylum

Human Rights League provides a free legal assistance to asylum seekers in Slovakia. 


Our free legal services consist of:
General Legal Guidance:
  • Your rights and your obligations in the Slovak Republic
  • Explanations of the Dublin procedure and in the asylum procedure processes in the EU and in the Slovak Republic
  • Familiarization with the conditions for obtaining the international protection in the Slovak Republic
  • Provision of legal advice on how the law shall be applied on your individual case
  • Free interpretation into the language that you understand
  • Provision of updates about your status and related matters
  • Preparation for an interview
In case of the agreement on the legal representation, we will also provide you with:
  • The presence and assistance of your lawyer in the interview
  • Information retrieval about your country of origin and other evidence
  • Communication with the Migration Office on your behalf
  • Drawing up the legal opinion of your case
  • Legal representation before courts in the Slovak Republic
Seeking asylum is not an easy process, but it is possible with the help of our leaflets, lessons and legal assistance

Basic leaflet: Free legal assistance to asylum seekers in the camps
Read the information about our free legal assistance in the following language versions:
Basic leaflet: Free legal assistance to asylum seekers serving sentence in prison or in custody pending criminal trial
Read the information about our free legal assistance in the following language versions:
Principles of provision of legal aid by lawyers of the Human Rights League
Read information for the (potential) client about the content of legal aid available in the following language versions:
Terms of privacy protection
Please, familiarize yourself with conditions under which we process your personal data protect your privacy - available in the following language versions:
Frequently asked questions
Get familiar with the most frequent topics in the following language versions:
Dublin Procedure – what does it mean and how is it organised?
Read more information about Dublin Procedure available in the following language versions: 
Will I stay in open or closed camp as an asylum seeker?
​Read more information for asylum seekers in the Slovak Republic available in the following language versions:
Aid for Asylum seekers interview
Read more information about Asylum seekers interview available in the following language versions:
Basic questions at the interview with the Migration Office
Overview of the basic questions is available in the following language versions:
Preparation for Hearing at the Court
Read more information about preparation for hearing at the Court available in the following language versions:
Questionnaire survey of the quality of legal services
Leave us feedback about your satisfaction with legal services provided by the lawyers of Human Rights League. 
Know your rights